
Sunday 22 July 2012

why, why, why!!!

Why is everything such an effort today? do people really understand? How much longer can things carry on like this?
These are all questions i have running around my head tonight.
My arm hurts, my lungs hate me and everything seems such an effort, and its Sunday and back to work tomorrow.
I went out on Friday night and had the funnies night but then i have spent two days recovering from it. I think back to the times when i could go out and then just carry on as normal, i just get to tired these days and it bloody annoys me.
I have hardly done anything for the past five days as i couldn't go to work as i had partially dislocated my shoulder and had to rest it, the thing is now i dont want to go back to work,i know everyone gets used to having time of but this feels different. I dont feel like i can actually manage everything anymore and whilst i used to love going to work and i still do to a point it is such hard work and i am exhausted by lunch time. Its not just tired it is pure exhaustion. I dont feel like i give 100% anymore as i just cant manage it. I get by i guess and i have to as we need the money but i wonder how much longer i can carry on fooling myself and everyone around me. I need a sit down job and one that starts and finishes at work as i just cant manage all the extra, im just not sure this job exists for me. I guess time till tell and until i can find something i have to carry on as i am.
I think my lungs are just grumpy today as its warm and humid. I just cant get a deap breath, my peak flows are only 150 which is not good for me and i am just tired, i guess an early night might help. My arm is also driving me mad as it hurts, but having it in a sling is a nightmare as i cant do much.
I also wonder how much people understand, i have never asked for extra help but sometimes i should, i spend so much time trying to cover up how i feel and really i want to be screaming for help.
This is turning into a really whingy post and i know things will not change unless i change them.
I think i need to think about things and decide what i can and cant do and then try and work from there. I guess one of the problems is one day i feel like i have loads of energy and could do anything and others just walking to the car is an effort.
Oh well an early night is needed i thing


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